YPI Crew’s extensive database of yacht jobs is updated all the time.
We have positions for deckhand, steward or stewardess, bosun, chef, first officer, engineer/chief engineer and captain.
If you're looking for a crew position on a superyacht you can register with us on our website. As one of the largest and most respected yacht crew recruiters in the industry, YPI Crew can assist you to find the right job.
Based in Antibes, our yacht crew agency has one of the most prominent locations in town, with 10 staff members. Once you register with YPI Crew one of our experienced and professional agents will be in touch about yacht crew opportunities to suit you.
Featured yacht crew positions this week:
2nd Stewardess with at least 2 years' experience required immediately for a 50m MY heading to the Indian Ocean.
Chief engineer Y3/EOOW required 22nd September 2013, permanent, 5000 Euros, 2 months holiday, 46m, built 2012. CATs, charter 2 season Med/Caribbean, busy yacht.