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Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint about YPI CREW please write to Laurence Lewis, President of YPI CREW, Residence de la Mer, 6 avenue de la Liberation, 06600 Antibes or email her at
We will send you a letter or email, acknowledging your complaint and confirming its receipt. You should expect to receive this confirmation within 7 working days of us receiving your complaint.
We will then record your complaint in our central register and start to investigate on your behalf. This is likely to involve the following steps:
• Examining your records to ascertain the sequence of relevant events
• Asking the member of staff with whom you dealt to provide a written response
A full response to your complaint will be drafted by Laurence Lewis or the recruiter who is dealing with your file. If appropriate, Laurence Lewis may wish to discuss the events surrounding your complaint directly with you, and, if appropriate, offer an apology.
We aim to acknowledge, investigate and resolve all complaints within 14 working days of receipt.