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Tips for Success: Preparing for a Yacht Job Interview






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The general rule of thumb is that preparation is key and you can never be over-prepared.To make things easier, we’ve outlined the key points you need to know about the interview process, helping you focus on what matters most.


While each interview may differ depending on the role, your experience, and the yacht’s culture, the tips below offer best practices that can boost your chances of success.

What to wear to a yacht interview?

When it comes to dressing for a professional yacht crew position, it's important to maintain a clean and polished appearance. The standard yachting attire is a crisp polo shirt or blouse paired with plain, dark colored shorts or a skirt. If these items aren't readily available, you can also choose something similar that is neat and presentable.

It’s also important to avoid drinking the night before your interview, as it can affect your appearance and readiness. While it’s great to enjoy the yacht crew lifestyle, maintaining a professional attitude during work is key. Lastly, avoid smoking or chewing gum during the interview to leave the best impression.

General tips to ace your yacht job interview:

1. Research the yacht

One of the best ways to prepare for a yacht interview is to learn about the yacht beforehand. Doing your homework not only boosts your confidence but also shows the interviewer that you’re professional and well-prepared.


Make sure you know the full name and title of the person you’re meeting—whether it’s the owner, Captain, or a Head of Department. Using their name during the interview helps build rapport and shows that you’re attentive and respectful.

2. Know your CV inside and out

It’s important to be thoroughly familiar with your CV. Be ready to highlight how your skills and experience can benefit the yacht and contribute to its smooth operation. Your goal is to inspire confidence in the interviewer, showing them that you’re not only capable but also enthusiastic about the role. Demonstrate that you’re exactly what they’re looking for!

3. Be punctual

Being on time for your interview shows professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail—all essential qualities in the yachting industry. When an owner, Captain, Head of Department, or recruitment agent schedules an interview, they’re placing trust in you. Arriving on time shows you respect their time and value the opportunity.


It’s a good idea to arrive a few minutes early, whether for an in-person or virtual interview. This gives you time to relax, collect your thoughts, and avoid any last-minute stress. If it’s a video interview, log in a few minutes early and be ready when the interviewer joins.

4. Be respectful

During your interview, keep in mind that you're speaking with someone who may be your future captain or manager, so it’s important to be respectful and mindful of the language you use. Avoid casual terms like ‘mate’ or ‘buddy.’ The yachting industry places great emphasis on hierarchy, so demonstrating that you understand and respect the chain of command is key.


When you enter, greet the interviewer warmly, offer a firm handshake, and introduce yourself. Make sure to maintain eye contact during your conversation to show respect and attentiveness.


It’s also important to avoid speaking negatively about past employers or colleagues. Keep a professional and positive tone throughout. Speaking poorly of previous captains or crew won’t leave a good impression.

5. Prepare for the common interview questions

While every yacht crew interview may differ, many captains tend to ask similar questions to assess your skills, experience, and overall fit for the crew position.

Here are some common questions you may encounter:


  • What are your career goals?

  • Why do you want to work on a yacht?

  • What do you enjoy about your current job?

  • Tell me a bit about yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  • What is your greatest achievement?

  • Why should we hire you?

  • Do you have any questions?

Before your interview, take time to prepare thoughtful answers to these questions. Avoid saying that you want a yacht job simply because you like to travel or because it fits your lifestyle. Instead, focus on connecting with the interviewer’s needs and highlighting how your skills and experience make you the right fit for the role.


If you're asked whether you have any questions, it’s always a good idea to ask about the crew, the yacht, or your specific duties. Inquiring about training and development opportunities also shows your enthusiasm and willingness to learn.


Lastly, don’t hesitate to ask your recruiter about the specific qualities the captain is seeking, or for advice on how to answer these common questions.

6. Position yourself as the solution to the interviewer’s problem

Your goal in any interview is to demonstrate that you are the solution to the interviewer’s recruitment challenge. Make sure your answers highlight the skills and experience that make you the ideal candidate.


For example, imagine you’re interviewing for a Stew position with a Chief Stew. The season is about to start, and they’re looking for someone who can hit the ground running. During the conversation, the Chief Stew mentions that the owner loves cocktails and needs someone with knowledge in that area.


Here’s your chance to position yourself as the solution: "I understand it’s crucial to find someone who can quickly get up to speed and make the guests happy. I’ve worked in a fast-paced cocktail bar where I gained strong mixology skills, learning to make all the classics along with a few signature drinks."


See what just happened? You’ve addressed the Chief Stew’s main concerns and positioned yourself as a valuable problem solver, instantly making yourself a candidate of interest.

7. Convey positive energy and determination

Showing enthusiasm, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to learn will always give you an advantage during a yacht job interview. Positive body language is key—sit or stand up straight, avoid slouching and always look engaged.


Beyond your skills, the interviewer is assessing whether you’ll be a good fit with the crew. Yacht crew live and work together for long periods, so they’re looking for someone with a positive, can-do attitude who will get along well with others and contribute to a harmonious team dynamic.

8. Be sure to ask questions

Reaching the interview stage is a great achievement—now it’s time to make the most of the opportunity. Asking thoughtful questions shows genuine interest and initiative.


Remember, the interviewer wants you to succeed. They’re looking for a crew member they can trust and who is the right fit for the role, so this is your chance to show them that you’re the one.


Consider asking questions like:


  • What are you looking for in the person you hire?

  • What kind of program does the yacht run?

  • What’s the culture of the boat like?

  • What’s the best part about working on this yacht?

  • Are there any specific aspects of the job I should know about?

  • Why did the last person leave the position?

  • What are the next steps after this interview?


Asking these questions not only helps you decide if the job is the right fit for you, but it also shows the interviewer that you’re serious about your career and committed to the role.

Whether you are applying for an entry-level position or a more senior role, a yacht interview is a crucial step towards your next yacht job.

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