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Super Yacht Engineer FAQ’s
Switching from Navy to yachting

Am I made for the Yachting Industry?
The yachting industry is like no other industry, it is not just about having a job, it is a lifestyle which you will lead twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; it is not for everyone. Flexibility and the ability to react to an ever changing environment are essential. You will be expected to work hard, be a team player, have a global vision and do what it takes, together with the rest of the crew, to provide a special holiday to the guests on board the yacht. You must be resilient and be totally service-orientated. If you have what it takes, the sky is the limit and you will be able to have a long and successful career in the industry.
What positions does YPI Crew recruit for?
YPI Crew recruits at all levels from junior deckhands and stewardesses to captains. However, there is a shortage of qualified engineers with the right profile calibre which is why we are here today. These are the typical engineer positions we recruit for daily:
Chief Engineer
Second Engineer
Third Engineer
Engineer/Deckhand (dual role)
ETO (Electro Technical Officer specialising in Electrics)
AV/IT (specialist in Audio Visual, IT, networks etc)
YPI Crew is a recruitment agency so we are not your employer.
What is the procedure to register with YPI Crew?
Registering is easy and straightforward. Please visit our website and click on ‘Register’ to upload your CV, certificates, references, and a medical certificate such as an ENG1. We do need to have all these documents in your file. Don’t worry if you do not have everything ready at once — you can start by uploading the CV first and return to your Profile at a later stage to upload the remaining documents.
Once you have registered, we can review your details and call at a convenient time to discuss things in more detail. Don’t worry if your CV is only an initial draft at this stage, we are happy to advise on what needs to be changed as we appreciate the Navy uses different terminology and puts more emphasis on managerial skills whereas our clients have a stronger interest in hands-on engineering skills and experience.
Also, please note it is standard industry practice for all CVs to have a passport size photo, head and shoulder shot, smiling (trust us it makes a difference when working remotely). It also helps put a face to a name as I am sure you can appreciate that we will be speaking to many Navy engineers over the forthcoming weeks with very similar profiles/CVs.
Our administrator will review your CV and email you to acknowledge your application. She will then forward your details directly to Jacqui, Marjorie or Anna.
Once you are registered, you can check in online through the website, just click on ‘Log In’ and then ‘Check In’. Please note, we do not answer the ‘Check In’s but we do of course read them daily. When you want to upload a new CV or document, please go to your online profile on the website. Please do not email your updated CV to your recruiter — CVs have to be stored on the database. If and when you arrive in Antibes, please do come and visit us in the office. Depending on what time of the year it is, an appointment may be necessary.
I am a newcomer engineer to the industry: what qualifications do I need?
To get started, you will need the following basic courses if you are LET level or <5 years service. For more experienced engineers, PO level and above, you may be eligible for a Small Vessel and or Commercial Engineer licence (details on the MSN guidance notice below):
5 x basic STCW95 certs
Powerboat Level 2 cert (PB2)
Approved Engine Course (AEC1)
ENG1 or Seafarers Medical Certificate - MCA approved
All the above can be done in training schools in the UK.
You can look at the syllabus for engineers on the Guidance Notice MSN 1904 (M&F)
The common certificate required in all fields is the STCW basic crew training certificate.
The basic certificate required (in addition to the STCW) is the AEC1: Approved Engine Course. This 4 or 5 days course gives you the theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on experience of diesel engines. It will enable you to carry out regular servicing of marine diesel engines, and to carry out fault detection and prevention. It is the first level for the MCA engineering officer training scheme, and will also allow you to work in the dual role of deckhand/engineer. There is a clear career path available for engineers on yachts and it is a very rewarding career. There is also an AEC2 certificate which is more advanced. If you are eligible to apply for the certificate before leaving the Navy, we would recommend it as you will need it later but it is not mandatory for entry level positions to get started.
Powerboat Level 2
A Powerboat Level 2 (PB2) certificate from the Royal Yachting Association is also recommended.
Seafarers Medical Certificate
Seafarers Medical Certificate is a medical test performed to establish whether your health and your level of fitness allow you to work at sea. The most popular Seafarers Medical Certificate is ENG1 which is issued by an MCA approved doctor but you can also get an equivalent counterpart test in your country.
ENG1 is valid for two years so you will have to make sure to renew it regularly before it expires. Always keep an eye on your expiry dates because, as yacht crew, you might find yourself in the middle of the season with no way of renewing it instantly.
Without a valid Seafarers medical certificate, it is illegal for you to stay and work on board, so always make sure your certificates are up to date.
You can research online to find a medical professional certified to issue a Seafarers Medical Certificate near you.
See the list of MCA approved doctors based in the UK.
See the list of MCA approved doctors outside of the UK.
See the list of Countries whose seafarer medical fitness certificates are accepted as equivalent to the UK ENG1.
Once you are working on board the yacht, in whichever capacity, your Captain, Head of Department or Recruitment Consultant will be able to advise you and guide you on further certificates you can take to go up the career ladder. It is likely that you will have skills to bring to the table which are transferable to the yachting industry; We all had to start somewhere, so don’t be shy; in yachting a positive personality and hardworking attitude can go a long way.
What is the STCW basic crew training?
The STCW Certificate is a compulsory safety requirement for anyone looking for work on yachts of more than 24 metres. It stands for: Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.
There are five modules to the course, all of which must be completed to obtain the licence. The five modules are:
Personal Survival Techniques
Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting
Elementary First Aid
Personal Safety & Social Responsibility
Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA)
The course will take five days to complete and is available in all major yachting centres. All modules must be completed to obtain the license.
Please note that you may already hold some of the STCW basic certificates in the Navy but be mindful that some have expiry dates after 5 years so you need to check the dates of issue.
What is a Seafarer Medical Certificate?
Seafarers Medical Certificate is a medical test performed to establish whether your health and your level of fitness allow you to work at sea. The most popular Seafarers Medical Certificate is ENG1 which is issued by an MCA approved doctor but you can also get an equivalent counterpart test in your country.
ENG1 is valid for two years so you will have to make sure to renew it regularly before it expires. Always keep an eye on your expiry dates because, as yacht crew, you might find yourself in the middle of the season with no way of renewing it instantly.
Without a valid Seafarers medical certificate, it is illegal for you to stay and work on board, so always make sure your certificates are up to date.
You can research online to find a medical professional certified to issue a Seafarers Medical Certificate near you.
See the list of MCA approved doctors based in the UK.
See the list of MCA approved doctors outside of the UK.
See the list of Countries whose seafarer medical fitness certificates are accepted as equivalent to the UK ENG1.
Once you are working on board the yacht, in whichever capacity, your Captain, Head of Department or Recruitment Consultant will be able to advise you and guide you on further certificates you can take to go up the career ladder. It is likely that you will have skills to bring to the table which are transferable to the yachting industry; We all had to start somewhere, so don’t be shy; in yachting a positive personality and hardworking attitude can go a long way.
I want to become an engineer/ I am an engineer, what are the yachts licences or training and certification guidance?
Here is a copy of the Royal Navy Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) conversion flow chart for both Small Vessel and Commercial licences.
Please note an MOU exists with the Navy Surface Fleet so the MCA can easily understand terminology and transfer skills accordingly to Small Vessel or Commercial licences.
An MOU does not yet exist for submariners but it is in progress. Keep checking the MCA website for updates.
Small Vessel Licences have now superseded the Yacht Licences. Details of the licences and requirements are shown on Guidance Notice MSN 1904 (M+F)
You can apply for Small Vessel licences through the ‘Alternative Route’ if you have relevant marine experience and/or a degree. Details are shown on Guidance Notice MIN 642 (M+F)
Commercial Licences are also accepted to work on yachts as well as all other maritime sectors. Details of the licences and requirements are shown on MSN 1857 (M+F) Amendment 1
You can apply for the Commercial Licences through the ‘Alternative Route’ if you have relevant marine experience and/or a degree. Details are shown on Guidance Notice MIN 511 (M) Amendment 1
I am an Engineer, what is the Letter of Initial Assessment (LIA)?
The MCA are no longer issuing LIAs for Commercial or Small Vessel licences. One can now apply for an “Action Plan” directly with MCA approved Nautical Colleges.
NB We have a strong relationship with Warsash Maritime Academy (Solent University Southampton) who have assisted many ex-Royal Navy engineers with relevant courses to transfer to the Super Yacht industry. Here are the details for the Alternative Route/Action Plan.
I am en engineer, how do I obtain a Certificate of Competency (CoC)?
Please click on the link as below:
Do I need to speak other languages apart from English?
The quick answer is no; English is the language of the seas and the working language on board yachts. Of course, being able to speak other languages is a bonus and can make life easier and enhance your experience. It can also help dealing with some guests on board the yacht and with local suppliers. Antibes and the south of France is the heart of the Mediterranean yachting industry and most suppliers who are serious players in the yachting industry will speak English. There is a very large English speaking community in the South of France, many yacht crew and captains live here with their families.
I am a newcomer, what personal belongings shall I take with me on board?
Crew cabins are small and you will be sharing with one person of the same sex; Space is at premium so best to travel light. You will be provided with crew uniforms, crew shoes and all toiletries so all you will need are a few civilian clothes for your off time. Laundry is taken care of by the stewardesses. Personal electronic devices are great for yacht crew; gone are the days of bulky books taking up valuable space!
How long are contracts for?
It all depends; some jobs are seasonal jobs, typically these contracts run from April to end of September for the Mediterranean season and from October to March for the Caribbean season. Seasonal jobs are most of the time for junior stewardesses and deckhands. Generally speaking Captains, officers, engineers, senior interior crew are employed on a permanent long term contract i.e. 12 months with 4 weeks leave as standard. Contracts are renewed annually by mutual agreement.
How much leave am I entitled to?
The minimum is 2.5 calendar days per month of employment. On medium to larger size yachts, it is not unusual for chief engineers and senior deck officers to work on rotations, such as 2 months on, two months off.
Please note these jobs are rare and in high demand so they tend to go to long-standing yacht crew with many years’ proven experience on super yachts and not to newcomers to the industry.
What is the difference between a private and a charter yacht?
A private yacht belongs to an individual who will use the yacht with his friends and family. A charter yacht also has an owner but in addition it will be rented out to third parties for a determined amount of time.
Where will the yacht travel?
Wherever the owners want to go.
Who pays for the documents that I need to be able to travel to join a yacht?
The standard A1.4 Recruitment and Placement, paragraph 5 of the MLC 2006 states that (b) no fees or other charges are to be borne directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the seafarer other than the cost of the seafarer obtaining a national statutory medical certificate (ENG1), the national seafarer’s book and a passport, not including the cost of visas, which shall be borne with the ship owner.
I have tattoos — will this affect me getting a job?
Some yachts have a grooming and appearance code and a policy of “no visible tattoos” — This means nothing visible when wearing a crew uniform (polo shirt and shorts or skirt). It is best to discuss this with your recruiter who will advise you on which yachts this might be a problem.
I am a smoker — will this affect me getting a job?
Some yachts have a policy of “non-smokers” — some have a strict policy and will not recruit smokers. Others may be more flexible and allow ‘casual smokers’ i.e. not on board but accept social smokers when off the yacht. It is best to discuss this with your recruiter who will advise you on which yachts this might be a problem.
How important are Social Networking sites?
Be aware that many clients will check your social media presence and activity and we recommend that your profile and pictures on social networking websites such as Facebook do not represent you in a way which may be deemed unprofessional. If you have doubts on any of the photos’ suitability, it is best to remove them.
Can my family contact me through YPI Crew if they cannot reach me on the yacht you have placed me on?
In case of emergency, if your family is not able to reach you on the yacht through regular means of communication (telephone and email), your family can email us or call us. We shall forward the email onto you and follow up with a call to make sure the email has reached you. If we have received a phone call for you from your family with an urgent message, we shall email you and also follow up with a phone call. Should we have placed you on yacht through a yacht management company, we shall also contact the yacht management company and forward the message. Your family can reach us on and +33 (0)492904610 during office hours.
The email address is monitored outside office hours and the mobile number to reach us outside office hours, for emergencies is +33 (0)612046508. This is the number of Laurence Lewis, the director of YPI Crew. Please note that the above is only to be used in case of emergency should your family have failed to contact you directly. It is your responsibility to ensure that your family has your up-to-date email and telephone numbers on board the yacht you work on and YPI Crew will not be held responsible for failed or delayed communication. YPI Crew will not charge you for the above.
Superyacht Engineer — Information Guide
What are you waiting for?
If you’re thinking of jumping ship then get in touch with us — we’d be delighted to hear from you! Our dedicated Engineering Specialists Jacqui Young, Marjorie Baillet and Anna Horak will give you advice on how to make the career transition and once they have successfully placed you on board a Super Yacht, they will follow your professional development, help you formulate your goals and will be your Recruitment Partner throughout your yachting career.
Take the plunge now and register online. For more information call Jacqui, Marjorie or Anna directly on +33 (0)492 904 610 (9am-6pm Mon-Thur, 9am-5pm Fri) or email, or with your queries.
To get connected to your dream job, follow these 3 simple steps:

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Upload your CV and info
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Regularly check in with us by clicking the 'Check in' option on your profile.