Continuing with the yacht chef interview series, YPI CREW speaks to Peter Quarrie to find out more about the talented Head Chef.

Having previously cooked in the galley of S/Y MALTESE FALCON, M/Y ALFA NERO, M/Y SEVEN SEAS, M/Y ICE, M/Y PELORUS and a host of other reputable vessels, Peter is among the most experienced yacht chefs in the industry. This accolade was recognised in 2006 when he won the 'Mega Yacht' category of the coveted Antigua Charter Show Chef Competition. Peter worked in various kitchens of restaurants for a while, before taking a yacht chef job. He hasn't looked back ever since.
Hometown? Auckland, NZ.
First/Fondest cooking memory? I was raised on a 43ft sailboat and schooled at home. While my parents were at work, I had to fend for myself so I started playing around with flavours — not always successfully!
Which Chef(s) truly inspire you? Alice Waters from Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA. She pioneered the 'farm to table' movement. I've eaten there twice and had two of the best things I've ever eaten in my life: a tomato salad and a plum.
What is/are your favourite restaurant(s)? See above! and Lo Scoglio on the Amalfi Coast. They have their own garden with the most amazing fruit and veg, olive oil and eggs. They catch all their own fish. It's an amazing family operation — everyone is passionate about what they do.
How did you discover yachting and what was the appeal? I was raised on the water so it was always in my mind to get back onto yachts once i had enough cooking experience. I spent 5 years cooking in London, working with some interesting chefs. Like most people I ended up in Antibes hunting for yacht crew jobs and was lucky enough to find work pretty quickly.
What charter guest or guests would you like to cook for? Ive worked on a couple of busy charter boats and cooked for lots of interesting people. I enjoy cooking for people who really appreciate food.
What music gets you going in the galley? Anything but country!
What is your signature dish which never fails to please? I cook anything from Middle Eastern to Japanese. I don't really have a signature dish — it really depends on the client and their wants and needs.
Find out more about a job of a yacht chef here.