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  • Writer's pictureYPI CREW

When dreaming of landing your dream crew job on a luxury yacht and travelling to some of the most beautiful places on earth, few stop to consider all the paper work that needs to be completed. One of the most important is a crew member’s visa.

It is often regarded by many in the yachting industry as one of the most problematic pieces of paperwork. Having the correct visa is imperative however, as a yacht can be detained if crew members fail to produce the correct documentation.

In most instances it is a lack of knowledge and experience that creates problem situations. With the number of Port State Control inspections set to increase this August 2013, due to MLC 2006, it is important those seeking yacht crew positions know what is required.

In order to work in the United States on board a superyacht, a crew member must be in possession of a B1, or 'visitor for business' visa, or a B2, 'visitor for pleasure' visa. Either visa will suffice and is the generic visa for those visiting the United States for work or pleasure.

Australia provides a superyacht specific visa for crew visiting it's shores. 'The superyacht crew visa allows for the crew of a superyacht to work on board vessels based in Australia for one year. ' A spokesperson of Australia's Department of Immigration and Citizenship informed us.

For non-EU members that wish to work in the EU or the Schengen region, a Schengen Visa is required. However, if you are a U.S, Canadian or Australian citizen, all that is required is your passport as these countries have a visa-free agreement with the Schengen region. In any case the Schengen visa allows non-EU members to visit and remain in the region, which encompasses the Mediterranean coastline, for 90 days. Extensions can be applied for but requirements may vary depending on which port you call home.

Those interested in crew jobs on superyachts bound for countries requiring visa application should let their crew agency know during their application.

With thanks to The Crew Report.

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